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ScappaTopo Ghiri 50gr 4 Pezzi

60,00 €
58,00 €

ScappaTopo  SPECIALE GHIRI da 50 gr. protegge dalla presenza dei ghiri, col suo gradevole aroma repellente, ambienti di ridotte dimensioni fino a 3x3x3H metri per un periodo di almeno 2 mesi. Bollo GhiriIdeale per baite, garage, cantine, solai, controsoffitti, intercapedini soprattutto per prevenire quando la presenza dei ghiri non è manifesta. Si consiglia di utilizzare sempre più di una confezione, da posizionare negli angoli opposti di un ambiente interno. Il prezzo è comprensivo di Iva e spese di spedizione

ScappaTopo Special Dormouse is the award-winner, organic repellent made of plant extracts of natural origin and corn fibers, which does not kill but keeps dormice away from your home and storage areas. Its innovative formula, tested by the major Italian Universities, keeps dormice away without killing them and without side effects for the user and for pets.

Dormice are included in the European Protected Species Program and therefore they cannot be killed. While dormice are admired by the public as cute animals, when they enter houses can cause severe damage, mostly on the wooden construction parts, insulation or electrical installations. They also damage stored food whereas their droppings represent a potential source of disease. In addition, the nocturnal activity of dormice disturbs the sleep regime of sensitive household owners. But now the house owners can get an actual practical help by ScappaTopo Special Dormice to get rid of dormice, without killing them. Its special formulation activates the revolutionary principle of multi-sensory repellency stimulating an innate escape behavior in dormice. ScappaTopo Special Dormice activates a complex and revolutionary 360° attack to all the senses of the dormouse.  Its effectiveness has been tested by the University of Naples and University of Rome in Italy. 

ScappaTopo Special Dormice preserves valuable property and goods from damages caused by the dormice habit of chewing through all sorts of materials. ScappaTopo Special Dormice protects from potential disease by avoiding dangers posed to human health from exposure to dormice. ScappaTopo Special Dormice instantly creates an invisible barrier unbearable to dormice: once in the treated area, dormice will quickly realize they can’t stand the virtual attack and exit outside for fresh air to clear their sensory receptors.

ScappaTopo Special Dormice is 100% made in Italy in compliance with the recent European Directives. ScappaTopo Special Dormice employs a preventive and effective pro-active method to get rid of dormice. 

ScappaTopo Special Dormice is easy to use

Clean the area and remove droppings. For use in currently infested areas, increase the number of sachets and replace every 30 days.

  1. Remove ScappaTopo Special Dormice sachet from its plastic wrapping.
  2. Tear along the dotted line to open two side windows and replace sachet in its packaging.
  3. Close it.
  4. ScappaTopo Special Dormice is ready for action, in its self-standing, easy to handle package!

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