What's ScappaTopo?
Watch the video to discover how to use ScappaTopo
Keep mice away
It does not kill but repels mice away from your home unlike poison baits attracting them into your house.
No side effects
Effective and environmentally friendly way to rid any home or storage area of rodents. No known side effects on wildlife, pets and people.
Proven effective by university
ScappaTopo has been proven effective by university and field testing. All testing proved that is extremely efficient in getting rid of mice.
Multi-Sensory mouse repellent
ScappaTopo is the first and ONLY patented multi-sensory, non-toxic mouse repellent that works by triggering a combined attack on all the senses.

How does it work?
It turns mice strengths (super-senses) to weaknesses. The flow-through pack delivers a long-lasting special aroma, perceived by the mice as strong masking and disorienting message. This combined attack provokes an extremely strong instinctual escape response in mice, causing them to quickly leave treated areas.
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How to use?
ScappaTopo is so easy to use. Unlike poison baits doesn’t require trained professional users.
Just place it in the enclosed areas you want to protect from mice, better if nearby their access points into your home.
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Where to use?
ScappaTopo is sold in convenient packs that you can place anywhere indoors, better if close to mice access pathways.
Ideal for: basements, electric closets, attics, storage areas and anywhere you want to get rid of rodents.
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Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards Laureate for Europe
Carla Delfino is the first and ONLY Italian businesswoman granted with the prestigious Cartier award, thanks to her really brilliant idea: ScappaTopo, the natural eco-solution to mice infestation.